Featured Animator: Rocque - Baby New Year (Part 5)
Rocque GoAnimator Rocque is the September winner of my GoAnimate, Get Featured in TET's Blog contest . Rocque has had her account with GoAnimate since March of 2011 and in that time has amassed 915 followers and published 78 animations. Rocque chose to feature her animation Baby New Year (Part 5) , saying... "I chose this animation to feature because I think it is my favorite one so far out of the series that started as Baby New Year then was going into a series titled 2012 . It seems so long ago now. This one is special because of the incredible voice acting. I was honored to have Hollywood3514 , Latin Fire , J Files Graphics , and RoTV take time out of their busy schedules to lend voices. It was almost 6 minutes long and there were a lot of lines." Watch Rocque's animation below and then read about her inspiration and challenges in creating the video. Baby New Year Part 5 by Rocque on GoAnimate Inspiration... When 2011 was nearing its end there were so ...