
Showing posts with the label Muvizu

TET Project Updates and Muvizu Animated Vlog (Animation Diary)

Bat Storm and TET - Muvizu. It's been a little while since I posted anything to this blog about my own projects thanks to that neck injury I mentioned in my last Animation Diary post update . So, now that my neck is much better,  I thought I'd do a quick run down of what I am hoping to focus on in the near future in terms of creating my own animated shorts. I have two main priorities, finishing my Infinite Monkey Theorem short, that was only supposed to take 3-4 weeks at the most to complete, and finally doing some Muvizu Bat Storm animated shorts. Infinite Monkey Theorem This character has been rigged and animated in my most recent work on the project. Infinite Monkey Theorem has become something of a burden because it really has taken much longer than anticipated, causing me to lose a lot of enthusiasm for getting it done. I'm itching to start new projects with CrazyTalk Animator 3 but I haven't started anything because I'm pushing myself to finish Infinite Monkey...

Random Testing Unit - Can you believe what Police are testing for now?

Police forces in many places around the world perform roadside, random breath tests to catch out drink drivers. More recently, in some parts of Australia at least, Police conduct random drug tests in response to growing concerns of people driving under the influences of other illicit substances. In a spark of silliness, I got to thinking what else could Police forces start randomly testing for on the roadside? That's how my short animation, Random Testing Unit , began to form. Before reading any further you should watch my animation below as the humour is generated through the initial premise. Once you know it, you can't un-know it. When you've seen it, read on to find out my process of creating the animation. Should Take About a Week with Muvizu... After I had my initial idea, it only took me about three days to write my full script. At the time I was learning Muvizu , the low cost, 3D animation software that claims it's the easiest and fastest way to tell stories with...

Project Updates: The Comedian / Random Testing Unit

I haven't posted to this blog for nearly a month because Animation4Business projects have been monopolising my time. As well, I prefer to write about actual projects I'm working on over writing fill in posts like reviews (of which I have a couple I've been meaning to do). The last week or two I've had some time to get back to my Random Testing Unit short animation project so I thought I'd give you an update on that as well as my Comedian animated short. The Comedian Regular readers will know I released a one minute, cut down version of The Comedian which I entered into Reallusion's CrazyTalk 8 Comedy Contest . Unfortunately my entry didn't even get an honourable mention and lost any chance to win the entry with the most 'Facebook Likes' after some entrants tried to game the system with fake accounts. That prize was split between the three honourable mentions. Links to all the winners are in the embeded Facebook post below: I don't want to sound...

Random Testing Unit - Work In Progress Animated Short

Screen Shot from 'Random Testing Unit'. Towards the end of last week, inspiration hit with an animation idea I could create relatively quickly in Muvizu (so I thought). Over three days I wrote a script with the working title of 'Random Testing Unit'. I can't go into great detail about the script as it would spoil some of the initial humour. I can tell you, the basic premise is a comedy sketch featuring a Police, Random Testing Unit, road stop and a driver who is stopped to be tested. The finished animation will run for around 3 minutes. By the way, if you're looking for script writing software the free, online version of   Celtx is great. I swear by it as the easiest and fastest way to write a script. The paid version has many useful tools but for me, the script writing tool is enough. About two days into writing my script I felt confident enough that it was going to come together so I began designing my set in Muvizu. What I've come to realize with 3D sof...

Muvizu Revisted, Silo2 3D Modelling Bat Ears and Bat Storm 2.0

Bat Storm.  I've reviewed Muvizu before and recommended it to friends as a low cost entry point to 3D, drag'n'drop, animation. It's very much like a simplified version of Reallusion's iClone6 and, at just over AU$50.00 for the full licensed version, which includes commercial use, hard to pass up. As easy to use as Muvizu is, it can also grow with you as your skills improve. As you get more familiar with the software you'll discover just how customizable everything is. Making Batman with Muvizu I recently decided to purchase a Muvizu license and found, among the additional character styles unlocked, some really cool, stylized action superhero characters. Naturally, I decided to make a Batman character... because... Batman! Turns out you can get pretty close to a good looking, cartoon style Batman with the superhero male character (known as 'Beefy'). A great feature of the 'beefy' character is you can add a cowl of any color just by adjusting a s...