Featured GoAnimator: Enjoyinglifeinseoul (ELIS) - Witches of Misery!
EnjoyingLifeInSeoul GoAnimator enjoyinglifeinseoul is the December 2013 winner of my GoAnimate, Get Featured in TET's Blog contest . Enjoyinglifeinseoul has had his account with GoAnimate since March of 2011 and in that time has amassed 3346 followers and published 49 animations. This is his second win of the contest. Read his first winning post here . Enjoyinglifeinseoul chose to feature his animation , saying... Well, it took me some time to decide which of my animations to have featured. I considered some of my older ones like “Prince of Persia” or “Turtle Shell! Turtle Shell!” and the latest ones like “Demon Fire!” and “Witches of Misery!” In the end I went with “Witches of Misery” because most of the challenges and special techniques I had used in the others were covered the last time I was featured here. Some fresh problems popped up this time and I thought that the solutions I came up with might help some of your readers. The other reason I choose this one, is becau...