
Showing posts from December, 2013

Featured GoAnimator: Enjoyinglifeinseoul (ELIS) - Witches of Misery!

EnjoyingLifeInSeoul GoAnimator enjoyinglifeinseoul is the December 2013 winner of my GoAnimate, Get Featured in TET's Blog contest . Enjoyinglifeinseoul has had his account with GoAnimate since March of 2011 and in that time has amassed 3346 followers and published 49 animations. This is his second win of the contest. Read his first winning post here . Enjoyinglifeinseoul chose to feature his animation , saying... Well, it took me some time to decide which of my animations to have featured. I considered some of my older ones like “Prince of Persia” or “Turtle Shell! Turtle Shell!” and the latest ones like “Demon Fire!” and “Witches of Misery!” In the end I went with “Witches of Misery” because most of the challenges and special techniques I had used in the others were covered the last time I was featured here.   Some fresh problems popped up this time and I thought that the solutions I came up with might help some of your readers. The other reason I choose this one, is becau...

Blabberize - Get your images talking

One of the best applications for making your face images talk is Reallusion's CrazyTalk . However if you don't want to buy such an advanced piece of software and just want to throw down a quick talking head to make someone smile then the online application,  Blabberize , might be just what you're looking for. Blabberize will get your images talking in more of an old style, ventriloquists dummy, kind of way by adding a lip-synced lower lip and chin to your face images. Not great for realism but perfect if you're going for comedic effect. You can trial the service but won't be able to save your work until you create an account. It's free so you may as well. From there it's a simple five step process: Upload an image (front on images work best). Crop the area of the image you wish to use. Define one or more mouth areas. Record or Upload up to 30 seconds of audio. Preview and save.  Once you have your video you can share the link or embed the animation anywhere ...

Animation: The Star Trek Fan (TSWF 2)

The Star Trek Fan is the second installment of an earlier animation I created back in March of 2013 called The Star Wars Fan . If you haven't seen it I would recommend you view it first as The Star Trek Fan is a kind of continuation of the dialogue but in a new subway location. Once again the Tourist, his travel companion Mia and their R2D2 unit are minding their own business when they are approached by a metro cop who inquires about their droid. The Star Trek Fan (TSWF II) by etourist on GoAnimate With it being such a long time since the first installment I don't think I managed to get Mia's voice sounding the same or get any real difference between all of the character voices. Also the voices aren't consistent because I just wanted to get the animation finished, since it had been sitting in my GoAnimate account for months as I tinkered away on it between business animation clients. However I think it still works and the script is strong enough for people to overloo...