Learning Reallusion's iClone 5: Part 3 - Customizing Motion and Instant Animation

I've been blogging my progress at learning Reallusion's iClone 5 . This post I'll be looking at the next 3 tutorials in Reallusion's iClone, Quick Fix Tutorial series . If you haven't read my previous posts, click these links for Part 1 and Part 2 . Remember these blogs are simply my progress at learning the software and are not tutorials in themselves. I would recommend you watch the actual tutorial series if learning iClone 5 is what you really want to do. Customizing Motion Parts 1 and 2 The next Tutorial is titled Layering Animation Part 1 and looks at using the Body Puppet panel from which you can directly control your actors using your mouse (just like an actual puppet) or create customized motions by adjusting sliders for different settings. Creating a custom walk using the sliders in iClone's Body Puppet panel. There's not much to say about this tutorial. It's really just a case of bringing up the panel and messing around with the settings to ...