Project Updates: The Comedian / Random Testing Unit
I haven't posted to this blog for nearly a month because Animation4Business projects have been monopolising my time. As well, I prefer to write about actual projects I'm working on over writing fill in posts like reviews (of which I have a couple I've been meaning to do). The last week or two I've had some time to get back to my Random Testing Unit short animation project so I thought I'd give you an update on that as well as my Comedian animated short. The Comedian Regular readers will know I released a one minute, cut down version of The Comedian which I entered into Reallusion's CrazyTalk 8 Comedy Contest . Unfortunately my entry didn't even get an honourable mention and lost any chance to win the entry with the most 'Facebook Likes' after some entrants tried to game the system with fake accounts. That prize was split between the three honourable mentions. Links to all the winners are in the embeded Facebook post below: I don't want to sound...