
Showing posts from November, 2016

Cool Froyd Gets a CrazyTalk Animator 3, G3 Character Makeover

Cool Froyd was originally created and rigged in the first version of CrazyTalk Animator . Now that CrazyTalk Animator 3 has added its all new G3 line of characters it's time to update Cool Froyd to take advantage of this more flexible (literally), single angle, character rig. Froyd was never designed to be an animated character. He's taken from a painting that I thought would be fun to animate. Which is largely what attracted me to CTA in the first place as, to this day, Reallusion still promotes CTA as a way to bring paintings to life. As such, the way Froyd sits is how he sits in the original painting. Non of CTA3's new motion files or character rigs for quadrupeds are front facing and therefore not suited to him specifically. However that's where CTA3's free bone characters fill in the gap. Anything that doesn't fit to a human, quadruped or spine template can still be animated with free bones. To help understand the difference between G1 and G3 characters ta...

Review: Reallusion's CrazyTalk Animator 3 - Taking a Step Back to Move Forward

GRRR Dog by TET. Can I animate  this guy in CrazyTalk Animator 3? CrazyTalk Animator 3 's bold claim is 'The One-for-all 2D Animation'. Does it deliver? Could it be your 'go to' 2D animation tool of choice? Before I explore those questions I feel a bit of backstory is necessary. I've been using Reallusion's CrazyTalk Animator since its original incarnation that promised quick and easy, 2D animation creation. An idea that was relative depending on what kind of animation you wanted to do. Since my focus has largely been on original character animation my experience with CTA is relative to that. If you wanted to create animated characters from your original artwork, quick and easy didn't really describe the time and effort involved. There was a lot of preparation and considerable time spent rigging its G1 characters. CTA2's Multi-Angle G2 Characters. CrazyTalk Animator 2, introduced G2, multi-angle characters, with the revolutionary technique of being a...

Learning Moho Pro 12 (Anime Studio Pro) - Part 6, Pro Only Videos 7-13

Continuing to work my way through Moho's Pro Video Tutorials (which were actually created for Anime Studio Pro 11) I must admit the training is becoming a bit of a grind. There's a lot to take in, with much of it being things that it's nice to be aware of but aren't entirely essential to know. As well, many of these videos rehash things already covered - which is not a bad thing and certainly helps each time I pick up from where I left off (particularly this time when it's been nearly three weeks between training sessions) The next seven videos don't contain anything particularly amazing in terms of program capability but each still contains valuable information. Below is the video titles I worked through. Pro - Advanced Fill Tools Pro - Advanced Style Palette Pro - Styles Improvements Pro - Eye Dropper Update Pro - Texture Transparency Pro - Advanced Layer Tools Pro - Layer Options Since nothing particularly stands out I'll just give a brief summary of eac...