Review: Design Wizard - Create Impressive Designs Quickly and Easily

This image was made with a stock DW photo and text added. I uploaded the semi transparent DW logo. If you create any kind of content, product or service online or off, whether you're a social media influencer, running a small business, writing a blog, making online video, or any number of other activities Design Wizard may be the cloud based graphics app for you. What is it? Design Wizard speeds up the graphic design process by giving you a library of pre designed templates, you can customize, suited to almost any situation. The process is simple. Choose a template size suited to the type of graphic you're designing. For example a Facebook Page Banner image or a Youtube Channel page image. Select a design along the lines of the style you're going for, then tweak and customize the design with your own text and/or graphics. There are templates for almost every conceivable graphic design situation from Facebook cover pages right through to DL print flyers and more. Templates ...