More TET Updates and a Major Blog Redesign this Month

I realize I haven't posted anything to this blog since my last update in August. Largely because I haven't really worked on any of the things mentioned in that post that I was hoping to be going on with.

Instead I've been focussed on completely upgrading and redesigning my main blog (now known as The Extraordinary Tourist Life or TET Life for short) into a more lifestyle magazine look and mobile friendly design. You should follow the link and check it out. It took quite a bit of work but I'm really proud of how it looks now.

This Blog is Getting a Makeover

Whilst I'm on a roll with redesigning things (I also gave my TETAnimations Youtube channel page a mini makeover), during November I will be giving this blog a similar makeover and template to my TET Life blog. Though it definitely won't be a matching template this time. I really want my two blogs to have their own identity moving forward.

This post is a heads up for that change which will begin happening probably as soon as the next couple of days. Expect to see work in progress layouts, with things appearing or disappearing as I sort out what the new layout needs (or doesn't need). I'm hoping to be completely finished by the end of November - sooner if possible.

The new look will make it easier for me to have guest posts, earn more through affiliate links, as well as deliver my usual project updates, reviews, and tutorials that this blog is recognized for. Plus a fresh new look will help revitalize my enthusiasm for building a reputation as an authority in the Independent Animation space.

All My Other Ongoing Projects

I promise to get back to animating as soon as I can. I'm personally frustrated that so many of my animation projects have stalled for so long. The thing is, there is only one of me, and I've been wanting to redesign my blogs for quite some time. I need to get that done and off my 'To do' lists.

I'll leave it there for now. If you do experience any odd behaviour with this blog during November I really just wanted to let you know the site isn't completely working properly due to being redesigned.


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