Featured Animator: Smirks - Shooting Star (Music Video)
GoAnimator Smirks is the May winner of my GoAnimate, Get Featured in TET's Blog contest. Smirks has had his account with GoAnimate since August of 2011 and in that time has amassed 2969 followers (formerly known as fans) and published 60 animations.
Smirks chose to feature a music video, Shooting Star by Owl City, saying...
I chose shooting star because it's one of my most inspirational video i have made, and because i think it's the best video i have made (skill wise).
Shooting Star by Smirks on GoAnimate
I was inspired to make it because I've noticed all the people, who are saying that they get picked on and saying that they are worthless (and believe me I have been there), and the song to me felt like it was saying that people can have their chance to shine anytime, so because of that I decided to make it.
Main Challenge...
The main problem making the video was the masking, like at the scene where it shows the 4 characters in the squares, the most difficult masking was putting CCA's dress prop on the character, it wouldn't fit the character, but eventually I found a way to get it on the character
Some techniques I used in the video was masking the characters and squares (like I mentioned earlier) which was the hardest technique. I had to use the square props to make sure none of the props were outside the main 4 squares. another one I used was making the star prop spin. Every scene I placed it in, I had to keep re spinning it to get the effect. Another one I used was the sun over the city scene. I had to make the city prop and all the other buildings slide down whilst making the clouds and the sun slide up while moving the camera backwards to get that effect.
If you've enjoyed Smirks' work then why not check out more of Smirks' animations on GoAnimate.
Runner up Featured GoAnimators for the month of May included:
Smirks chose to feature a music video, Shooting Star by Owl City, saying...
Shooting Star by Smirks on GoAnimate
I was inspired to make it because I've noticed all the people, who are saying that they get picked on and saying that they are worthless (and believe me I have been there), and the song to me felt like it was saying that people can have their chance to shine anytime, so because of that I decided to make it.
Main Challenge...
The main problem making the video was the masking, like at the scene where it shows the 4 characters in the squares, the most difficult masking was putting CCA's dress prop on the character, it wouldn't fit the character, but eventually I found a way to get it on the character
Some techniques I used in the video was masking the characters and squares (like I mentioned earlier) which was the hardest technique. I had to use the square props to make sure none of the props were outside the main 4 squares. another one I used was making the star prop spin. Every scene I placed it in, I had to keep re spinning it to get the effect. Another one I used was the sun over the city scene. I had to make the city prop and all the other buildings slide down whilst making the clouds and the sun slide up while moving the camera backwards to get that effect.
If you've enjoyed Smirks' work then why not check out more of Smirks' animations on GoAnimate.
Runner up Featured GoAnimators for the month of May included:
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