Featured Animator: Balacafa - Super Kent - THE ROBOT

GoAnimator Balacafa is the July winner of my GoAnimate, Get Featured in TET's Blog contest. Balacafa has had his account with GoAnimate since October of 2012 and in that time has amassed 627 followers and published 20 animations.

Balacafa chose to feature his animation, Super Kent - THE ROBOT, saying...

I chose this animation because I actually spent time getting the effects in exactly the right places instead of just putting them at the start of the scene, I made sure they were at exactly the right times.

Super Kent is actually one of my own characters from my early days on GoAnimate. You can view my own three episodes at Super Kent, Super Kent Returns and Super Kent - Man of Steel.

Watch Balacafa's animation below and then read about his inspiration and challenges in creating the video.

Super Kent - THE ROBOT by balacafa on GoAnimate


Well, when I was in the forums I stumbled across a forum by Gipsy and I was curious about what it was. So I checked it out and saw that Gipsy had released Super Kent in the community library - at the time I hadn't seen Super Kent so I checked out the original (by TET) and after I'd seen the whole animation the idea for Super Kent - the robot popped into my head.

Main Challenge...

It was extremely hard getting the correct sound effects in exactly where they needed to be, and for 1 particular effect I had to preview it about 8 times before it was in exactly the right place, however I overcame these [difficulties] by replacing some of the sound effects with easier ones which start straight away, not halfway through the scene.

If you've enjoyed Balacafa's work then why not check out more of Balacafa's animations on GoAnimate.

Runner up Featured GoAnimators for the month of July included:


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