Featured Animator: Artem™ - ~Evil Awakening~

GoAnimator Artem™  is the August winner of my GoAnimate, Get Featured in TET's Blog contest. Artem™ has had his account with GoAnimate since April of 2013 and in that time has amassed 126 followers and published 11 animations.

Artem™ chose to feature his contest entry, ~Evil Awakenings~, saying...

"I chose this animation because it was a challenge that I beat. I was having a lot of trouble with this animation. It was a theme that I never used before and a short amount of time."

This is the first time someone has chosen their winning video to feature so I thought I'd add in my comments as to why this animation was selected to win...

"Attention to detail and great editing, along with a strong script set this apart from the rest. Use of audio to add background noise and to suggest actions occurring off screen was impressive. Then showing a fight scene by not actually showing a fight scene but by using creative editing to imply actions that are occurring was very well done. Capped off with some good voice acting and a really good use of a custom darkness effect by Immortal Dreams."

Watch Artem™'s animation below and then read about his inspiration and challenges in creating the video.

~Evil Awaking~ by Artem™ on GoAnimate


I was inspired by two other users on this site. Chaostoon and Denom. Chaostoon, because he made a very cool video called Swords. And I decided to make my animation a fight/attack. Denom, because he makes dark and spooky videos. That's why I had the dark ending in my video.

Main Challenge...

This animation was the hardest I ever made. I made it in a short time, but boy... was it a struggle. I needed to make an animation that had some plot and story, but at the same time wasn't too long and squished in the 1 minute. I made probably 3 different types of videos, but turned them down because they did not have the perfect blend. I finally got this one out, right on the deadline.

If you've enjoyed Artem™'s work then why not check out more of Artem™'s animations on GoAnimate.

Runner up Featured GoAnimators for the month of August included:


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