The Winner of Reallusion's Animation@Work Contest is...

Jimmy the Superhero
by Gary Pye.
Reallusion announced the winners of their Animation@Work contest this week. I was fortunate enough to take away one of the three Best Video prizes up for grabs with my promotional video for my new Animation 4 Business Premium Service. I'm now the proud owner of a copy of Magix Movie Edit 2014 Premium Edition software.

Whilst I was obviously hoping for the major prize, there are indeed a lot of talented CrazyTalk Animator users out there. Watch the Competition, winner announcement video for a good cross section and preview of all the winning entries. I did pretty well considering I only started learning CTA2 properly last December.

Whilst there were many great entries I was very happy to see the winner, Garry Pye, won with a very funny video about Superhero Training. Regular readers and viewers of my work will know that Superheroes is a recurring theme.

Gary is also a fellow Aussie and creates content packs for CTA that you can purchase for use in your own animations. He was featured on Reallusion TV last April. He's basically at the same point that I aspire to be with his CTA work.

Personally I liked his winning entry so much I thought I'd feature the full version here for my and your enjoyment.

You can see all the winning videos in full along with judges comments on the Reallusion Forum.


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