Learn Moho Pro 12 Free Using SmithMicro's Own 104 Video Tutorials Sorted into a Logical Order of Progression

So you've bought Smith Micro's Moho Pro 12 along with the Moho, 10 hour, 104 Video Tutorials Add On pack so you can get learning right away... only you can't. For whatever reason, the video tutorials aren't sorted into any logical order of progression making them hard to follow.

Yeah, I've been there, only I've done what Smith Micro should have done and sorted all the video tutorials into a logical order of natural progression for you. That is, each tutorial builds upon what you learned in previous videos and you won't suddenly come up against some feature you've never used before, unless that feature is what the video tutorial is about.

As I sorted through all 104 videos I blogged my progress in a 12 part series that lists the video tutorials in the order you should attempt them and gives highlights of what some of the videos contain. Links to all 12 blog posts are below.

Learning Moho Pro 12 (Anime Studio Pro): 12 Part Blog Series

  1. Alvin Owl by TET.
  2. Debut Videos 1-15
  3. Debut and Pro Videos 1-10
  4. Debut and Pro Videos 11-26
  5. Pro Only Videos 1-6
  6. Pro Only Videos 7-13
  7. Pro Only Videos 14-21
  8. Pro Only Videos 22-27
  9. Pro Only Videos 28-33
  10. Pro Only Videos 34-45
  11. New Features V12 Debut and Pro Videos 1-8
  12. (Final), New Features V12 Pro Only Videos 1-10

The Complete Video Tutorial list with links to their videos on Smith Micro's YouTube channel is below if you just want the order without reading my blog posts. Note that most of the current tutorial videos for Moho Debut and Pro that you can purchase are just re-badged videos from version 10 and 11 releases of the software - hence the title cards on the videos linked below will be different to the purchased version but the content is identical (I know because I checked - You're welcome). 

Debut Tutorial Videos

  1. Alvin, Traced from a single
    image and animated.
    Debut - Beginners Mode.
  2. AS11_Debut_Getting_Started.
  3. Debut - Basic Project Settings.
  4. Debut - Basic Workspace Tools.
  5. Debut - Basic Drawing Tools.
  6. Debut - Basic Fill Tools.
  7. Debut - Basic Styles Palette.
  8. Debut - Basic Layer Tools.
  9. Debut - Basic Camera Tools.
  10. Debut - Basic Importing.
  11. Debut - Basic Image Tracing.
  12. Debut - Bone Rigging.
  13. Debut - Basic Timeline.
  14. Debut - Basic Exporting.
  15. Debut - Basic Step By Step.

Debut and Pro Tutorial Videos

  1. TET Avatar Created with
    Moho's Character Wizard.
    Both - Help
  2. AS11_Both_Preferences
  3. Both - Tabs
  4. AS11_Both_Save_All_Tabs
  5. Both - Creating Shortcuts
  6. Both - Frame 0 Sequencer
  7. Both - Integrated Audio
  8. Both - Switch Layer
  9. Both - Lip Syncing
  10. Both - CharacterWizard
  11. Both - Freehand Update
  12. Both - Tool Updates
  13. Both - Brush Styles
  14. Both - Updated Brushes
  15. Both - Variable Width Curve
  16. Both - Multi-Shape Selection
  17. Both - Multi - Layer Editing
  18. Both - Combined Point Tools
  19. The Threshold Effect as
    a blobby liquid background.
    Both - Combined Bone Tools
  20. Both - Hide Bones and Points
  21. Both - Layer Outline Effect
  22. Both - Fractional Blur
  23. Both - Threshold
  24. Both - Masking
  25. Both - Follow Path
  26. Both - New Text

Pro Only Tutorial Videos

  1. Pro - Advanced Workspace Tools
  2. Pro - Advanced Drawing Tools
  3. Pro - Random Line Width
  4. Pro - Image Tracing
  5. Pro - Vector Shape Selector
  6. Pro - Advanced Fill Tools
  7. Pro - Advanced Style Palette
  8. Pro - Styles Improvements
  9. Pro - Eye Dropper Update
  10. Pro - Texture Transparency
  11. Pro - Advanced Layer Tools
  12. Pro - Layer Options
  13. Pro - Nested Layer Controls
  14. Pro - Patch Layers
  15. Pro - Advanced Bone Rigging
  16. Pro - Bone Constraints
  17. Pro - Bone Enhancements
  18. Pro - Smart Bones
  19. Pro - Smart Bone Enhancements
  20. Pro - Smart Bones Update
  21. Pro - 3D Shape Design
  22. Pro - AS11 Pro Poser
  23. Pro - Advanced Camera Tools
  24. Pro - Depth of Field
  25. Pro - Depth Shifting
  26. Pro - Advanced Timeline
  27. Pro - Enhanced Timeline
  28. Pro - Key Frame Editing
  29. Pro - Actions (Make sure you watch this!)
  30. Pro - Editable Motion Graphs
  31. Pro - Bounce - Stagger and Elastic
  32. Pro - Advanced Physics
  33. Importing 3D figures
    from Poser.
    Pro - Blend Morphs
  34. Pro - Flexi-Binding
  35. Pro - Particle Source
  36. Pro - Real Time Media Connection
  37. Pro - Scripting
  38. Pro - Improved Onionskins
  39. Pro - Preview Animation
  40. Pro - Advanced Importing
  41. Pro - Importing PSDs (Photo Shop Documents)
  42. Pro - Advanced Exporting
  43. Pro - GPU Acceleration
  44. Pro - Step By Step

New Features V12 Debut and Pro Tutorial Videos

  1. Using Pin Bones to
    Distort an image.
    Debut New Features
  2. New GUI
  3. New Library
  4. New Layers Panel
  5. Bone Enhancements
  6. Pin Bones
  7. Auto Freeze Keys
  8. SVG Import Export

New Features V12 Pro Only Videos 1-10 Tutorial Videos

  1. Smart Warp Meshes can
    produce subtle animation
    like this.
    Pro New Features
  2. Work Space Creation
  3. Switch SelectionWindow
  4. Bezier Handles
  5. Smart Warp - Image
  6. Smart Warp - Vector
  7. Import Export Actions
  8. Realistic Motion Blur
  9. Timeline Enhancements
  10. Moho Exporter

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