Desert Scavenger, Ma-Rey Sue, CrazyTalk Animator 3, G3 Character - WIP/Part 2

Ma-Rey Sue - Now with 100% less
head scarves and googles.
Work continues on my Desert Scavenger, Star Wars parody character, Ma-Rey Sue. Last post I gave you the character's development background and current status. This week, I've continued to work on her and made some real progress.

Much of my time in her development these last couple of weeks was taken up with creating the character's hand sprites. Each hand has 24 different sprites to give you a range of pose options. Even though I was adapting the same hands I used with my color monkeys to work with Rey, the process was still quite time consuming.

Robes Detail.
Fortunately the hands are now finished. This week I've been working on her robes that flow around her hip and upper thigh. My goal is to give the animator two options, 1.) To animate the character with simple robes that are part of the upper thigh sprites, 2.) To include an optional character spine accessory of the robe that can be animated blowing in the wind or just general moving relative to the physics of the character's movements.

I'm still figuring this part out and have yet to draw the robe section for the spine character accessory.

This is how Ma-Rey looks with
the head scarves and googles.
The other big addition was the development of a new face/head sprite to give the option of the character wearing her head scarf and goggles or, to completely remove these and just have the character's hair exposed - as per Rey for most of The Force Awakens.

To do this I had to redraw the head sprite (obviously) along with the neck, to completely remove the scarf. Watch the video diary below to see a narrated speed draw of the entire process.

I really am hoping to get this character finished by the end of November. The most time consuming part left to create, so far as sprites goes, is the mouth. Since the character has a fairly simple mouth shape I'm hoping that won't take too long.

Everything else is just fine tuning and adjustment. It would be really good to get the character finished before the release of Star Wars, Episode VIII.


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