CrazyTalk Animator 4 Announced with Name Change to Cartoon Animator 4
This chicken really turned heads at the end of Reallusion's WIP 1 Video. |
Now known as Cartoon Animator 4, the new name signifies that CrazyTalk Animator has grown far beyond giving bodies to the morph based heads in CrazyTalk and evolved into, as their tagline states, the one-for-all 2D animation software.
CrazyTalk Animator 3 was such a leap forward, and has had so many new features added through periodical updates, that you might wonder if there was anything left to implement that would wow users. But Reallusion has managed to do just that.
Some of the features revealed, which are explained in more detail, with video, on their WIP 1 page, include:
Motion Enhancement
- Auto IK Rig
- Smart IK System
- Motion Retargeting
- Custom UI Rig
Smooth Head Turn
- 360 Degree Head Turn
- G4 360 Head Creator
- Animal or Human
Live Performance
- Webcam Facial Mocap
- Real-time Lip Sync
- Upper Body & Hand Control (H2, 2019)
- Animation Trigger (H2, 2019)
Personally I'm very excited for Cartoon Animator 4 which is scheduled for official launch in April 2019. Check out all the new features on the WIP 1 page, and stay tuned for the release of more info when the WIP 2 page is posted in January.
If the software looks interesting to you, or you have CTA3 or an earlier edition make sure to take advantage of some of the special offers currently available where you can get Cartoon Animator 4 for free through bundle and content purchases (some of which include additional bonus items if purchased before December 31, 2018).
Click the image to go to the WIP 1 webpage. |
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